In Slovakia, the survey of the company KPMG took place, which aimed to search for the most favorite brands of customers. Slovaks decided with their votes that Zasielkovňa also belongs among the top 10 of the best! Our Slovak branch was also ranked among the TOP 10 for the absolutely first time and won the outstanding seventh place. At the same time, it has become the most favorite logistics brand of Slovakia.
The consumer survey took place in Slovakia last year for the fourth time. From the perspective of customer experience, the year 2020 was mainly affected by the coronavirus crisis, which completely changed the methods of shopping, consumer behavior and also the customer’s needs. According to new trends associated with the pandemic, today, companies should pay special attention to safety, new technologies and support of local entrepreneurs. Zasielkovňa does all of this! We believe that thanks to this, it became the most favorite logistics brand of Slovak customers.
2500 Slovaks decided that our Slovak Zasielkovňa was ranked among the strong brands such as Martinus, IKEA, Tchibo, Lidl or Netflix. They evaluated a total of 118 brands in nine different sectors. Thank you, Slovaks!