Planned Service Changes Abroad
Dear Clients,
Foreign carriers informed us about the process changes and news that await us in December. There are plenty of tasks, therefore we have decided to inform you of everything all at once, in order for you to have complete information as soon as possible.
What should we expect?
➤ Surcharges for non-standard parcels and services
➤ Price changes of delivery by Austrian Post
➤ Cash on delivery in Austria and Germany

New Adjustments of Carrier Surcharges from 1. 12. 2020
Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein
Carriers in mentioned countries charge us with different types of surcharges, when the delivery of your parcels is carried out differently than through standard procedures. We would like to inform you, that we will transfer these surcharges starting from 1. 12. 2020. We are already invoicing some of these stated surcharges, but we have created a complete overview for better orientation, where you can find all current and new sums.
What are the types of surcharges?

Austrian Post
Price changes from 1. 12. 2020
Austrian Post informed us about the change of basic service prices. Therefore, a price modification will occur on 1. 12. 2020 considering the service AT Austrian Post HD (ID 80), which is now available in our complete price list on our website.
Cash on delivery: Hermes and DPD
Austria and Germany
Did you know that …
The carriers Hermes in Germany and DPD in Austria offer your customers the option of cash on delivery to the price of 700 EUR? All of this information can be found in the complete price list.
Hermes is changing the form of invoicing
Considering the carrier Hermes (ID 6373), for now, a special charge for cash on delivery has to be paid directly by the customer during the handing over of the parcel. From 1. 12. 2020, a change will occur, Hermes will no longer collect the mentioned charge and will invoice it additionally with the price of delivery. Therefore, the customer will only pay the value of the parcel when taking over the delivery.
It is good to know:
The carrier Hermes enables sending parcels using cash on delivery only with service delivery to address (ID 6373).