Hungarian Csomagküldő is Changing Its Name to Packeta Hungary Kft.
Przesyłkownia, Csomagküldő, Coletăria. No, this is not wordplay, but these are names of our foreign entities. Not only to make it easier for you to pronounce them, but especially to emphasize the importance of the Packeta Group and its international character, our foreign branches are gradually being given the unified name Packeta. The Polish Przesyłkownia was renamed to Packeta Poland in May, and the Hungarian Csomagküldő is now being rebranded. In September, our Romanian Coletăria can also look forward to the new name.
The Change of Name of the Entity Csomagküldő
Do you send goods to Hungary? Then you shouldn’t miss the fact that from August you will find Csomagküldő in our price lists as Packeta Hungary Kft. Delivery and processes will not be affected by the change, only the name will be changed. Likewise, the service ID remains unchanged, i.e. 4159 (HU Best Delivery Solution to Address).
“The expected date of the change is by the end of August 2021. The physical rebranding from Csomagküldő.hu to Packeta will be completed in Hungary by 1 August 2021.”
Delivery to Hungary
For delivery to Hungary, you can still use our service Best Delivery Solution to Address in Hungary, which is provided by our local partners Hungarian Post, Express One, Fáma Futár and DPD. However, you can send goods to your Hungarian customers not only to their address – our local pick-up points are also available to you, to which we deliver at the best prices in the market. In Hungary, we already have more than 700 pick-up points open for your customers across the country, with dozens more to be added by the end of the year.
Three Delivery Options:
Best delivery solution to address in Hungary (Best Delivery Solution)
Hungarian Post to address (we offer it as a direct carrier and also through the service HU Best Delivery Solution to Address)
Pick-up points Z-Points
“We will gradually rebrand the pick-up points in Hungary. Instead of Csomagküldő.hu, they will be called Packeta Z-Points. We recommend informing your Hungarian customers about the change and adjusting the name of the service in your e-shop cart.”
Barbora Langer
Head of Marketing CEE & DACH