Our year 2024 summed up in numbers #pressrelease
Packeta Group, owner of leading Czech logistics company Zásilkovna, closed 2024 as one of the most successful years in the history of existence. Thanks to cooperation with some of the largest e-commerce players, Packeta delivered a record number of parcels exceeding 130
million—an increase of 24% year-on-year. As another milestone, Packeta increased its annual turnover to 338,4 million EUR.
Last year, the company invested heavily in expanding the Z-BOX network, with over 3 000 new installations across Group’s entities. The Z-BOX network was largely modernized in 2024, led by the installation of keypads for easier user operation. Packeta was the first in Czech e-commerce to introduce new delivery box designs, with 4 color variations customized to blend in with local surroundings.
The quality of delivery remained high throughout the year, with 97% of domestic deliveries by Packeta reaching their destination within the 2nd day from submission. Thanks to these milestones, Packeta consolidated its position as market leader and successfully closed a record-breaking peak season.

“Last year was an important milestone for us. We achieved significant growth of our Z-BOX network, equipped Z-BOXes with keypads, and introduced new location-friendly designs. We launched an advanced version of a customer-focused voicebot that can handle most standard requests. The sales team gained several new business partners. We increased operational efficiency, opened new depots, and much more. Thanks to these efforts, we handled last year and the record high season with flying colors. I would like to thank all our clients and customers—both online shops and pick-up points—for choosing us as their logistic partner,” says Erich Čomor, CEO of Packeta Group.

Packeta Group is facing two major challenges come 2025 that will bring changes to its network. The first one is the decision to open the Z-BOX network to third parties, which will make it available to all contracted carriers and increase accessibility to customers.

The second change is network consolidation—the closure of pick-up points and Z-BOXes that had been underused for a long time, are located in unsuitable locations, or operate inefficiently—while further expanding the network and increasing capacity in areas with high demand.
“The consolidation of our network is the next logical step, where we will remove delivery points from low-demand locations and move them to areas where demand for our services is high. At the same time, we will continue to expand our network in major cities and areas where customer demand is higher than the current capacity,” adds Čomor.